
D1.6 Project review meeting documents 2

04 Jan 2022 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

Draft agenda and presentations to be delivered during the review meeting.

This deliverable is confidential.

D3.3 Final design - FDSOI qubit ICs

02 Jan 2022 S. Voinigescu (Status: Approved)

Report on design of 12/22nm FDSOI qubit ICs final version.

This deliverable is confidential.

D1.5 Dissemination and exploitation plan 2

30 Dec 2021 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

Report on dissemination and exploitation plan 2

D5.4 DC-220GHz 300&4K Si/III-N qubit tests 2

28 Dec 2021 S. Voinigescu (Status: Approved)

Interim report on tests of the 10nm Si and III-N qubits at the frequencies DC-220GHz and temperatures 3-12K, and 300 K

D5.3 DC-220GHz 300&4K FDSOI qubit tests 1

28 Dec 2021 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

Report on tests of FDSOI qubits and ICs version 1 at the frequencies DC-220GHz and temperatures 3-12K, and 300 K

D5.2 Cryogenic measurement set-up (to 110 GHz &4 K)

28 Dec 2021 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

Arrangement of the cryogenic measurement set-up for S-parameters up to the frequency of 110 GHz and down to the temperature of 4 K.

D4.3 Gate width and channel width reduction

28 Dec 2021 A. Muller (Status: Approved)

Report on progress (M30) on gate width and channel width reductions for the fabrication of the 10nm qubits

D3.2 Preliminary design - FDSOI qubit ICs 2

28 Dec 2021 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

Report on preliminary design of 12/22nm FDSOI qubit ICs: Tape-out version 2.

This deliverable is confidential.

D2.3 FDSOI qubits - tapeout 2

28 Dec 2021 S. Voinigescu (Status: Approved)

Report on 12nm FDSOI and 10nm qubit designs for simulation and tapeout version 2.

This deliverable is confidential.

D2.2 Atomistic simulations

28 Dec 2021 F. Troiani (Status: Approved)

Report on the atomistic simulations and the obtained physical parameters.

This deliverable is confidential.

D4.2 Nanofabrication process optimization 2

28 Dec 2021 G. Kostantinidis (Status: Approved)

Final report on design and optimisation of the nanofabrication processes for the fabrication of the III-N heterostructure qubits

D1.3 Dissemination and exploitation plan 1

22 June 2020 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable provides the first version of the dissemination and exploitation plan elaborated for IQubits. The document reports the actions taken by the Consortium and the Coordinator to meet the obligations on dissemination and exploitation laid down in the Grant Agreement (GA) and the Consortium Agreement (CA). The dissemination and exploitation plans are reported, along with the stakeholder and impact analyses, the guidelines and monitoring of the dissemination and exploitation activities.

Since the plan is expected to mature during the project lifetime, updated versions of this document will be made available over the project execution.

D1.4 Project Review Meeting Documents 1. Periodic Technical Report Part B

22 June 2020 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable is confidential.

D4.1 Nanofabrication process optimization 1

17 June 2020 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable reports on the first-year efforts of the Consortium carried out by FORTH on optimizing its nanofabrication processes towards achieving the final goals of IQubits, with reference to the description of work reported in Part B. IMT and UofT offered consultations. The process design and implementation for (i) nanoscale gated Hall bars test structures and (ii) two possible III-N single electron transistor (SET) devices, are described.

D5.1 III-N structures decoherence processes 1

17 June 2020 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This document reports on the first-year efforts to establish the hardware required to assess the decoherence processes in the III-nitride structures to be developed and characterized within IQubits.

In particular, this deliverable describes the time-resolved Kerr rotation (TRKR) hardware setup for measurement III-N hetero(nano)structures to be developed by FORTH, with reference to the description of work reported in Part B. The working mechanism of TRKR is described and, as a part of the experimental setup, a femtosecond UV laser source has been implemented and it is about to be completed.

The TRKR will be used in measurements of spin decoherence in low-density two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) and hole gas (2DHG) III-Nitride structures.

D3.1 Preliminary design – FDSOI qubit ICs 1

16 June 2020 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable is confidential.

D2.1 FDSOI qubits - tapeout 1

01 November 2019 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable is confidential

D1.2 Data management plan

01 November 2019 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable provides the first version of the Data Management Plan (DMP) elaborated for the IQubits project, with an overview of the main elements of the data management policy used for all the data sets generated by the project.

D1.1 Website and logo

01 November 2019 D. Zito (Status: Approved)

This deliverable reports on the IQubits website and logo. The domain was registered and home page went live in June 2019. This document reports the structure of the website, as it will appear in its final form, which comprises both public and private areas.

Contact information


Prof. Domenico Zito+48662711572