Work Packages

WP1: Management, dissemination and exploitation

WP1: Management, dissemination and exploitation

Management, dissemination and exploitation of the proposed work by following the principles of the EU H2020 FET Open programme, assuring research excellence, and scientific and industrial impact.

WP2: Qubit design and atomistic modelling and simulation

WP2: Qubit design and atomistic modelling and simulation

Definition of the Si, SiGe and III-N qubit and coupled qubit device structures and development of device models accounting for quantum effects. Modeling and atomistic simulations of the Si, SiGe and III-nitride qubits and simulation of the qubit dynamics by accounting for material and defect properties. Multiband K•p modeling of the coupled quantum dot structures and simulation of the qubit dynamics. Development of compact model for circuit-level simulation of coupled-QD qubits.

WP3: Integrated qubit ICs in state-of-the-art FDSOI foundry technology

WP3: Integrated qubit ICs in state-of-the-art FDSOI foundry technology

Design and implementation of spin manipulation and readout circuits in FDSOI CMOS production technology. Low-noise spin control pulse generator, readout amplifier and readout down-converter at multiple millimeter-wave frequencies.

WP4: Design and fabrication of standalone scaled Si and III-N Qubits

WP4: Design and fabrication of standalone scaled Si and III-N Qubits

Design and simulation of scaled Si qubits to be manufactured and tested as standalone structures Optimization of the technological processes and characterization techniques. Fabrication of ultra-scaled Silicon qubits on SOI wafer, epitaxy optimization and III-N qubit nanofabrication, and explorative integration of III-N qubits with FDSOI platforms.

WP5: Qubit and qubit IC testing and test setup development

WP5: Qubit and qubit IC testing and test setup development

Definition of the test structures fabrication and fabrication of on-wafer cryostat measurement set-up for device and circuit characterization down to 4 K and up to 110 GHz. Low-T setup fabrication and qubit measurements. Measurements of qubit ICs at cryogenic and room temperatures. Time-resolved Kerr measurements of III-N heteronanostructures and III-N SET temperature and field dependent measurements.

Contact information


Prof. Domenico Zito+48662711572