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The information on this website is subject to the following disclaimer and copyright notice.



The information contained in this website is provided by the IQubits Consortium with the aim to enhance public access to information regarding the research activity carried out by the Consortium of Partners, and other related activities.

The information is indented for general purposes only, and it is not intended to address the specific circumstances of any particular entity or individual, and it cannot be guaranteed that a document available online reproduces exactly an officially adopted text.

The ambition is to keep this information up to date and correct, however the information reported in this website may be affected by errors, and it is not necessarily comprehensive, complete, accurate or up to date. Consequently, we make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability. If any of these issues are brought to our attention, we will try to sort them out. Anyway, the IQubits Consortium accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever with regard to the information reported on this website.

This website contains also links to external sites over which the IQubits Consortium have no control over the nature of the contents and availability. The inclusion of these links does not necessarily imply any recommendation or endorsement of the views expressed therein.

Moreover, the information reported in this website does not necessary reflect the official opinion of the European Union.

Efforts are made to keep the website up and running efficiently. However, the IQubits Consortium takes no responsibility for, and will not be liable for, the website being temporarily unavailable due to technical issues.


Copyright notice

© IQubits 2019-2027

Security classification of information (public, confidential, etc.) of the IQubits project findings, work, products and dissemination, and its use is strictly regulated by the IQubits Consortium Agreement and Grant Agreement N. 829005.

Unless otherwise indicated (e.g. specific copyright notices), the content owned by the IQubits consortium on this website is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license ( This means that reuse is allowed, provided appropriate credit is given and changes are indicated clearly.

Other documents for which the IQubits Consortium is not in a position to allow their reuse in view of intellectual property rights of third parties, are excluded from the reuse policy.

You may be required to clear additional rights if a specific content depicts identifiable private individuals or includes third-party works. To use or reproduce content that is not owned by the IQubits consortium, you may need to seek permission directly from the rightholders.

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Any documents resulting from ongoing research projects conducted by the staff of the IQubits consortium which are not published or available in the published database, and whose reuse would interfere with the validation of provisional research results or where reuse would constitute a reason to refuse registration of industrial property rights in favour of IQubits Consortium and Partners, are also excluded from the reuse policy and are not licensed to you.

Nothing authorizes the reuse of documents in a manner calculated to deceive or to defraud. The IQubits Consortium shall take the appropriate measures to protect the interests and the public image of the Consortium of partners and EU in accordance to applicable rules.

Contact information


Prof. Domenico Zito+48662711572