Dr. Alessandro Crippa will give an online seminar on spin qubits in semiconductors
Abstract: Super and semiconductors represent the two most relevant categories of conductors for quantum technology. When employed in nanodevices properly engineered, these materials can be used to implement the quantum counterpart of bits, called qubits. So far, among the two classes of materials mentioned above, the leading role in the quest for a platform for quantum computation has been taken by the superconducting qubits, mainly in the architectures of flux qubits and transmon qubits. However, semiconductor spin qubits are gaining interest due to the compatibility with industrial fabrication techniques and long coherence times. Lately, a 4-qubit processor based on single holes spins in a 4-quantum dot structure on planar Ge has demonstrated universal quantum logic [arXiv:2109.07837 (2021)]; on top, rumors report that experiments with 16 qubits on a 4x4 qubit array are on the way. The 53 qubits by Google [Nature 574, 505 (2019)] or the 66 qubits recently fabbed in China [arXiv 2106.14734 (2021)] are not within reach yet, but they don’t look impossible to catch in few years.