National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies

The National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT) is a non-budgetary public research unit supervised by the Romanian Ministry of Research and Innovation. The field of activity of IMT covers micro and nanofabrication technologies, microsystems including MOEMS, and RF MEMS. IMT has coordinated or participated in 3 H2020 (out of which a recent FETOPEN 2018-2021 in spin wave computing), 16 FP6 projects (IPs, STREPs, NoEs, RTNs) in the field of RFMEMS, photonics, micro-nanotechnologies, micro-fluidics, and was involved in 12 FP7 projects (IPs, STREPs, CSA) and 11 FP7- related projects (ENIAC JU, Cost, ERA-NET).

The Laboratory of Micromachined Microwave and Millimeter Wave Circuits has coordinated one of the first European projects on MEMS/Millimetre wave topics, MEMSWAVE (FP4, 1998-2001), nominated between the 10 finalists for the Descartes Prize in 2002. The laboratory is an EU centre of excellence for Advanced Communication Systems and Sensors based on MEMS technologies developed in multiple FP7 projects. The main topics of the Laboratory are focused on microwave millimeter wave circuits based on micromachining technologies of Si and GaAs and acoustic devices based on wide bandgap semiconductors.

In the last years, novel GHz operating SAW resonators based on micromachining and nanoprocessing of GaN/Si have been developed with broad applications in sensors and communication systems. Also graphene technologies have been developed in the lab. The laboratory currently is partner in one H2020-FET OPEN project and has finalized the coordination of a H2020 Marie Curie project. A high-performance nanolithography equipment and team are driving the novel work and state-of-the-art results of the laboratory. The scientists from this group have published an important number of high-quality papers in highly ranked journals.

The research topics include the development of a new generation of circuits devoted to mm-wave communication based on semiconductor (Si, GaAs, GaN) micromachining and nanoprocessing; acoustic devices (FBARs and SAWs) for applications in the GHz frequency range, based on micromachining and nanoprocessing of wide band gap semiconductors (GaN and AlN); sensors based on GaN/Si and AlN/Si acoustic devices, operating in the GHz frequency range; design and manufacturing of membrane-supported passive circuits elements; monolithic and hybrid integrated receiver front-ends based on Si and GaAs micromachining; RF MEMS and NEMS including microwave devices based on carbon nanotubes and graphene.

Key people

Alexandru Müller Senior Researcher

Dr. Alexandru Müller obtained the PhD degree in Semiconductor Physics in 1990, Bucharest University. Career path and current position: 1972-1996 Senior Research Scientist at ICCE Bucharest; 1996-present Head of Micromachined Structures for Microwave Applications Laboratory; Stages abroad: six month stage (1991/1992) at IMEC Leven; six month stage at LAAS CNRS Toulouse as "Directeur de recherche" (2003). He has coordinated the FP4 European project MEMSWAVE (1998-2001), nominated as finalist for the Descartes Prize 2002. He has also coordinated the FP7 REGPOT project MIMOMEMS (2008-2011). He was the Romanian team leader in the FP7 IP SMARTPOWER coordinated by Thales TRT France. Currently, Dr. A. Muller is the team leader in two projects H2020 FET-Open CHIRON (2018 - 2021) and iQubits (2019 - 2022). Dr A. Muller has authored or coauthored more than 150 papers in high ranked journals like IEEE Electron Dev. Letters, IEEE Sensors, Applied Optics, Thin Film Solids, Appl Phys Lett, Journal of Micromech. and Microeng., IEEE Trans on MTT, Superlatice & Microstructures etc. and conference proceedings.

As a senior scientist at IMT Bucharest, his main research areas include devices based on micromachining and nanoprocessing technologies, acoustic devices on wide bandgap semiconductor materials (GaN, AlN), sensors based on GHz acoustic devices, microwave circuit manufacturing on thin dielectric and semiconductor membranes, membrane supported millimetre wave filters, antennae and receiver modules. h-index 18 (Google Scholar).

Role in IQubits: Coordination and participation at the main tasks carried out by IMT

Adrian Dinescu Senior Researcher

Dr. Adrian Dinescu obtained the MSc and PhD degrees in solid state physics both from Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest. Between 1993 and 1997, he was with the National Institute for Electronic Components Research, working in the field of optoelectronics. Since 1997 he is with IMT-Bucharest, currently being CEO and President of the Board. Adrian Dinescu was the head of Nanoscale Structuring and Characterization Laboratory for seventeen years and Technical Manager of IMT for five years. Dr.Dinescu is involved in the micro and nanoscale characterization using FE-SEM and in structuring at the nanoscale using Electron Beam Lithography. His expertise also includes: micro and nanofabrication and optoelectronic measurements. He has co-authored more than 100 papers in refereed international journals and coordinated 15 national and 3 European research projects.

Role in IQubits: High resolution electron beam lithography and nano fabrication processes.

Dan Vasilache Senior Researcher

Dr. Dan Vasilache received his PhD in 2011 from Univ. Politehnica of Bucharest. He is senior researcher at IMT and between 2010 and 2012 was senior researcher at FBK-irst Trento, Italy. His competences include technological design, masks design and manufacturing and technological processes development for silicon, AIIIBV semiconductor compounds and wide band gap semiconductors; he was part of the team which developed SAW structures using nanolithographic processes starting with 2007 and in last 4 years he was involved in packaging systems developing for RF MEMS structures. He co-authored 31 papers in ISI Journals and more than 175 in total and he was part of the team in more than 15 International Projects and more than 40 national projects. h-index 14.

Role in IQubits: Development of nano fabrication processes.

Sergiu Iordanescu Researcher

Dr. Sergiu Iordanescu graduated the Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications at the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania, in 1972 and received the Ph.D. degree in electronic engineering from the University "Politehnica" Bucharest, Romania, in 2000. From 1972 to 1977, he was with the Institute of Physics and Technology of Radiation Apparatus, Romania. He was Research Scientist with the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT) from 1977 to 2000 and Senior Engineer with Alvarion Romania SRL from 2000 to 2015. Since 2015, he is Senior Researcher with the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT), Bucharest, Romania. He is the author of more than 90 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and conferences. His research interests include design of various microwave and mm-wave circuits as well as materials and devices characterisation. He received the "Tudor Tanasescu" Romanian Academy award in 2003.

Role in IQubits: RF and DC characterisation of the devices developed within the project and development of the set-up for cryogenic S-parameters measurements up to 110/140 GHz.




Alexandra Nicoloiu (Stefanescu) Researcher

Dr. Alexandra Nicoloiu (Stefanescu) graduated from Politehnica University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, in 2006 and obtained her PhD in 2010. She participated as a team member in several national and European projects (FP6, FP7, ESA, ENIAC). She joined IMT-Bucharest in 2009 in the frame of the FP7 MIMOMEMS. Between 2012 - 2016 Dr. Alexandra Nicoloiu was partner team leader in a national project (Partnership) dedicated to advanced methodologies for the simulation of RF-MEMS switches and between 2015 - 2017 she coordinated a national project (Human resources, Young Research Teams). Her current research activities focus mostly on the numerical analysis and experimental development of GHz acoustic devices on WBG materials (GaN, AlN) working as sensors. She is involved in the team of two H2020 FET-OPEN projects dedicated to spin waves for quantum computing. In H2020 CHIRON project (2018 - 2021) she is involved in the development of magnetic sensors based on SAW devices on GaN/Si working at frequencies around 10 GHz. She is the (co-) author of more than 40 papers in journals and conference proceedings; h-index 8 (Google Scholar).

Role in IQubits: Cryogenic characterization of the single electron transistor/quantum dots and qubit structures. Optimization of the technological flow for the device manufacturing.

Claudia Nastase Researcher

Dr. Claudia Nastase graduated in 2001 and received her PhD in 2007 both from University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics. She worked in University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics (until December 2016), where she was involved in research activities in more than 30 national projects related to material physics. She is the (co-) author of more than 25 papers in journals and conference proceedings. Between June 2011 and June 2012 she worked as associate researcher in CEA-IRAMIS Saclay, France. Staring from January 2017 she is employee of IMT Bucharest where her research activities include measurements of surface acoustic wave sensing structures. h-index 9 (Google Scholar).

Role in IQubits: Cryogenic temperature characterization of the single electron transistor/ quantum dots and qubit structures.

Ioana Zdru (Giangu) Researcher

Ioana Zdru (Giangu) received her MSc in 2013 and PhD in 2017 from “Politehnica” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics and Telecommunications. The subject of the PhD thesis was devoted to sensors based on acoustic wave devices. She is employee of IMT Bucharest stating from April 2012 and she is involved in microwave characterization of SAW devices and sensors on WBG materials. She participated in several national and European research projects (FP7, ENIAC). She (co-)authored more than 15 papers in journals and conference proceedings. Dr. Zdru (Giangu) was awarded with the Gheorghe Cartianu prize of the Romanian Academy in 2016 for the team work dedicated to GaN/Si SAW based temperature sensors. h-index 6 (Google Scholar).

Role in IQubits: Cryogenic temperature characterization of the single electron transistor/quantum dots and qubit structures.

George Boldeiu Researcher, PhD student

George Boldeiu graduated Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Physics. He worked in the Simulation Laboratory as simulation engineer, being involved in the simulation of the electrical, mechanical and thermal phenomena of MEMS devices. For a short period, 2017-2019, he worked as thermal simulation engineer at Continental AG, Timisoara. Here he developed and ensured thermal management for High Flash Lidar. In 2019 he returned to IMT and currently he activates in the Micromachined structures, microwave circuits and devices Laboratory. Starting from 2017 he is PhD student in the frame of the Electrical Engineering from Politehnica University of Bucharest.

Role in IQubits: Cryogenic characterization of the single electron transistor/quantum dots and qubit structures.

Contact information


Prof. Domenico Zito+48662711572